How A COVID-19 Disinfecting Service Works


The workplace is a perfect place for COVID-19 to spread. It involves large groups of people interacting with one another and likely touching the same surfaces and objects. That is why a COVID 19 disinfecting service is a non-negotiable for a company that is opening its doors for business again.

This service is not the same as the ordinary janitorial services that companies are accustomed to. Those services certainly have their place, but a dedicated COVID 19 disinfecting service is a crucial part of dealing with an unprecedented virus and disease, as well as its risk to your employees. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the proper disinfection of surfaces is effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus. 

Here is how a COVID 19 disinfecting service can benefit your company. 

Putting Together A Plan 

Before any disinfecting takes place, the responsible service provider will task a team with developing a plan for your workplace. This plan will take into account the size of your workplace, and will be designed to disinfect it as quickly and as safely as possible. 

The Disinfection Process

After assessing and preparing your facilities for decontamination, the technicians will get to work on disinfecting the space. A professional service will use non-toxic disinfectants that do not pose any harm to those who will use the space at a later stage. Specialized chemicals are used to kill bacteria and viruses both on surfaces and in the air. 

Electrostatic spray disinfection is a process that involves spraying surfaces with an electronically charged mist. The mist consists of the specialized solution. Because the spray contains positively charged particles, it can adhere to surfaces and objects for rigorous disinfection. 

In addition to that, an electrostatic cleaning method can be used to target hard-to-reach spots and corners, ensuring a thorough decontamination of the area and leaving no stone unturned. 

What Happens After Disinfection?

The technicians will then take the necessary steps to ensure that your workplace is safe and appropriate for the return of employees and/or clients. The service provider should also give you a continuity plan that ensures the sustainability of a safe work environment. 

It is also the responsibility of the employer to make sure that the disinfection process was not in vain. Employers can do this by implementing strict preventative regulations when employees finally return to work.

These include promoting regular hand-washing, implementing sanitizing stations at all entrances or exits to the workplace, normalizing (and in fact requiring) social distancing and providing employees with personal protective equipment (PPE). 

With these changes to the work environment, and a reliable disinfecting service, business premises can be safe for clients and employees alike. The return to normal economic activity is inevitable, and if a business is to thrive during this time, it is essential that it adapts to what is happening in the world. Taking steps to prepare your company’s work spaces for people’s safety and wellbeing is the most effective way to adapt.